Peace of Living


Jason & Allison Bell Episode 75

#75 - "In our service in the Lord’s church we should remember that when is just as important as who, what, where, and how," said President Oaks in his 2002 BYU address, "Timing." "The first principle of the gospel is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Faith means trust— trust in God’s will, trust in His way of doing things, and trust in His timetable. We should not try to impose our timetable on His," he said. 

We know this can be hard. Trusting not only in His will but His timing for you and your life can be exhausting. But we testify that it works out,  much better than you can imagine, as we keep ourselves fastened to Him, His covenants, commandments, and yes, even his will  -- and especially His timing. In this episode, we share some of our own experiences with His timing and we hope it blesses those who need to "hear Him in the wait." 

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“Welcome to the Peace of Living podcast. We are your hosts, Jason.

And Allison.

And welcome back.

We're so happy to be back with you, especially since it's, well, right now, this time of the year, if you're listening to it right around April, it's gorgeous outside. It's one of those types of weather where it's like you can wear either a sweatshirt or a T-shirt and you're comfortable. I love that.

Yeah, perfect weather. It's beautiful. It's a great time.

And my mood is directly tied to the weather, as Jason has learned, so he's happy too.


So nice to have your happy wife back, isn't it?

It is tough when here in Utah, we get like legitimately half of the year as the potential to be pretty snowy and cold.

And I don't know, I feel like combining that with the high elevation, it just sort of, there's got to be something to that, why there's higher rates of depression, seasonal depression.

Yeah, could be for sure.

Anyway, this is not an episode about that. This is an episode about something totally different. Although I guess it does have a tie in.

If you've been going[…]”

From Peace of Living: Timing, Apr 23, 2024
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